A Little Stroll in Central Park


We've now moved into our August apartment and it's so, so much better than where we were in July. Hubs told a colleague where we'd moved to and was met with a snort of derision. Apparently “nobody lives in Midtown anymore”, which is factually incorrect (and a bit douchey), lots of people do and I'm glad to be one of them. 24 hour shops and restaurants abound and it's constantly busy, which rather seems the point of living in NYC. Happily our apartment is very quiet too, the best of both worlds. Lots of the big museums and Central Park are a mere stroll away, so I thought I would go for a wander around the latter.

When I was last in Central Park it was November, which meant a large outdoor ice rink. In the summer the same spot gets turned into a wee fun fair.

Blokes playing chess at Chess and Checkers House.

One of the tiny birds that dominate the city. They're as pesky as pigeons, but cute, which makes them not pesky at all. In the background, a group of black nannies and their privileged white babies. It's like The Help never happened*. I'm sure this happens in London too, but I've never noticed it. Here, it's a phenomenon.

I spotted a little dragonfly, which thoughtfully sat very still while I took lots of photos of it. It's possible it stayed so still because it was on its last legs, but let's not think about that, let's just look at these two nice pictures. His wings are so pretty!

It was very hot so I had a little sit down and looked all sexy like a chipmunk. Then I went into a cafe with a/c, as the sweat was pooling in my lower back (see?! Sexy). I'll be exploring the north part of the park next week, I'll get the subway up and find my way back south again. So watch this space if that sounds like fun, until next time, adieu!

*being facetious again.


5 Responses to “A Little Stroll in Central Park”

  1. 1 Tom

    Life is looking pretty nice there in NYC!

  2. It is pretty nice! I love it here, quite a lot. Hot though. Phew!

  3. 3 Coco

    Douche. I love Midtown! Everyone loves Midtown. He’s just a douchey Hipster. psss.. Midtown is soo 2011.

  4. Yeah. Douchey hipsters can douche off!

  1. 1 Misadventures in Subletting – Midtown Baby! « wanderslonelyasacloud

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